This is a story on how Todoist helped me do more and is a part of “Tools I Use” series.
I’ve been using Todoist for almost a year now (To be precise, 339 days at the moment of writing this post).
I didn’t try the Todoist free version. As soon as I signed up, I went for the premium plan. I was apprehensive about this at first, thinking if it would be a worthy investment.
I’ve grown to love Todoist over this period. I keep discovering and re-discovering how the handy features of the app can help me handle better.
For an ADHD person like me, who keeps juggling between different tasks through the course of a single hour, Todoist helps me prioritize and focus. It helps me track my tasks and help me get work done.
Features that I use on a day-to-day basis:
Using Projects , I categorize my tasks on a higher level and focus on what’s more important for the day. For example, I could have some pending tasks within Hobbies project, but that won’t take priority over the pending tasks on my Work project.
Using Labels, I further drill down to categorize tasks and see what needs immediate attention.
Using Priority, I assign a priority to each of my tasks so that I focus more on the and ones (High priorities).
I set Reminders throughout the course of the day, so that even if I juggle out a task, Todoist would remind me to get back to it.
I’ve also started using it to manage my personal reading list, managing which was a Herculean task by itself, thanks to the un-usable interface of Goodreads/Amazon Wishlist.
Oh did I mention? I also use the Task Template feature to bulk upload tasks at times. This is particularly helpful when I’m managing my reading list or learning list.
The Keyboard Shortcuts are one of THE BEST but under-appreciated features. Especially when I’m using the desktop app or Chrome plugin, these come in super-handy.
Improved Productivity — Surely this term must be a cliché by now, but still, using Todoist has helped me a lot with my productivity